The AgriCenter is hosting Australian Ambassadors next week and wants to extend the offer to our NAMA chapter members to participate in the event.
Next Friday, April 10, AgriCenter has been asked to provide an information sharing opportunity with two members of the Australian Trade Commission. Cheryl Stanilewicz, the Senior Trade Commissioner at the Australian Embassy in Washington DC and Santiago Foldvari, the Director of investment at the Embassy of Australia in Washington DC will be on AgriCenter campus between 9 am and noon.
Members of our agricultural community are invited to share information regarding potential technologies and trade opportunities that may be shared between Australia and the United States.
These distinguished guests will be in the AgriCenter International’s Board room, located across from the main offices at 7777 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis, TN. There will be a meet and greet type social event for these guests from 9:00 am until 10:00 am.
Please RSVP to Jessica Watts at (901) 757-7777 or no later than this Thursday at noon.